
Ecology and Biking

Most people would agree:
bicycles are OK for the environment.
It doesn't take a lot of energy to make one.
It takes human power to drive one, and if the human is a vegetarian or vegan, it's pretty close to a zero carbon emission vehicle. On the other hand, a recent study says that carnivorous people could do the world a big favor by going vegetarian: that would be better than switching your car for a Prius.
Hmmm, what about switching your car for a bicycle? I wonder...

For those of you who have given up your cars, a hearty congratulations.
For people somewhere else on the car - no car continuum, continue, please!
As for me, I enjoy bicycling more than motoring, but I do both.

Send me your story of your journey from car to bicycle and I'll post it.
We can support each other as good friends do.
Bicycle Friends
Bike Amici

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