
January 24 event

People interested in Bicycle / Police interactions might like to know about an event coming up on Thursday, January 24 at the Hennepin County Government Center...10 AM. Lawyers for last August's Critical Mass arrestees (taserees? macees?) will ask the court to require the city of Minneapolis to turn over what they believe is highly relevant information.

Full details are at cmsupport.wordpress.com

You might want to go, just to watch and to be visible as a person in support. Lots of people watching might impress the court.

If you want to be there, you should go early, to get through the airport-like security, and you should know that the court does not allow signs, and that people watching must be silent. (You could maybe wear a sticker or something bicycle-y, though)

Full details are at cmsupport.wordpress.com

Maybe you've never been on a Critical Mass ride. Maybe you have conflicting opinions about Critical Mass, or just plain don't like the Mass. You can go to this event anyway. People have been arrested, and are going to be tried, and their lawyers are requesting information for their defense. The city has been refusing to give the information. Showing up would be supporting access to relevant information for a legal case. It doesn't need to mean you support the Mass itself.

That's what I think, anyway.

Full details are at cmsupport.wordpress.com