
I guess since there are signs up there now, the police were right, that road IS too dangerous for bicycles.

Fair enough.

And yet: it was not posted at the time, unless you think that bicyclists are pedestrians. I guess some people are confused on that point. Officer W... testified that he was trained that that sign applied to bicyclists, and that bicyclists weren't allowed. It's interesting that this was his first opportunity to find out the difference between pedestrians and bicyclists. I think that speaks for the need for some education for local police viz a viz bicycles:what they are, what rights bicyclists have.

So the question really is: can an officer stop a bicyclist from bicycling on a road, a road that does not have a no-bicycles sign, a road that is legal for a bicyclist to be on, ONLY because the officer's personal opinion is that it's too dangerous? We're not talking about stopping children doing trick riding, we're not talking about bicyclists taking risks or deliberately interfering with traffic here. We're talking about bicycling according to the laws of the road, legal cycling.

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